The internet, as we know it, is evolving before our very eyes. Some of us who lived through the 1990s might remember our initial introduction to the first era of the internet, also known as Web 1.0, which brought us revolutionary innovations like search engines and email. As we entered the 21st century, the next wave of the internet, known as Web 2.0, ushered in the age of social media, as companies like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter fundamentally changed how humans connect and create online.

Today, a brand new wave of revolutionary change is poised to, once again, bring in a new era of internet innovation. It’s called Web 3.0, and like its predecessors, it’s going to radically change how we think about and use the world wide web.

We find ourselves in a critical, transitional moment, where the mainstream population is just beginning to realize the potential and possibilities of Web 3.0, but is not quite yet adopting it into everyday use. This actually makes NOW the perfect time for businesses to start learning about these developments and preparing to take advantage of the possibilities this new era of internet is bringing.

What is Web 3.0?

The age of Web 1.0 was about making readable information more available and more easily accessible to users through early websites and search engines. With the development of social websites like Facebook and Twitter, Web 2.0 became a place not only used for reading and accumulating information, but increasingly a place for individual users to create and contribute content. As more and more users joined social websites, these companies began profiting off users through ad revenue. While the growing number of users increasingly profits big tech companies, the subsequent increase in ads and manipulative algorithms are steadily decreasing individual users’ satisfaction with their experiences on the Web.

Proponents of Web 3.0 suggest that by decentralizing the internet, making it a truly “public space,” and putting more power into the users’ hands, a healthy, less monopolistic competition will develop and the quality of users’ experiences online will rise. In Web 3.0, users would own their own content and digital assets. Web 3.0 visualizes a future where users move away from centralized platforms controlled by private corporations, and into decentralized, more autonomous platforms where they have more ownership and creative control. These changes are already taking place, with the creation and ongoing development of blockchain technology, and the rise of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Blockchain technology increases the security of individual users’ property and allows them to participate on the Web with more autonomy and freedom.

Tangible Applications For Real Life Spaces

One of the biggest implications of the rise of Web 3.0 is the coinciding rise and implementation of virtual reality. The Metaverse anticipates a future where virtual reality increasingly intersects with physical reality. In the Metaverse, users will use 3D avatars to navigate a virtual, 3D world with very real-life, tangible applications. In the near future, Web users will be able to purchase digital real-estate and participate in a “virtual marketplace,” where digital assets will be bought and sold with blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. 

Virtual office space, educational facilities and recreational venues will become a normalized part of our everyday lives as 3D imaging and VR technology advances and is more widely accepted and utilized by the mainstream population. The new opportunities for teams from remote locations to connect and collaborate virtually in meaningful, personal ways will forever change how we work, learn, play and live.

The Takeaway

Ready or not, Web 3.0 is on its way. Businesses that want to be ready for a successful tomorrow have an important opportunity to start preparing today for the upcoming changes Web 3.0 will inevitably bring to our workplaces. 

At Perspective 3D, we know 3D imaging and virtual reality are going to be key components of the Web 3.0 world. Even now, a wide range of industries are taking advantage of 3D imaging and virtual reality technology to improve facility operations, marketing, virtual collaboration and more. We have years of 3D imaging experience, and a passion to help businesses and individuals stay in step with the always evolving innovations of the developing Web. Are you curious to learn more about how 3D imaging can prepare your space for Web 3.0? We’d love to connect!